


(Email received January 29, 2008)

Hi, my name is Jeff Gilbert and I am from San Diego. Not too long ago I heard about the concentration camps that are going on in North Korea, which I never knew existed before. As a Christian, this brought distress to me that people are being tortured and murdered for either claiming Christ as savior, denouncing their president, or being related to a person that offended the nation.

Once my eyes had been opened to the injustice that is happening I had felt a passion to do something to free these innocent victims. I began by telling people I knew about the atrocities that are going on in North Korea, and I either got the reaction of people agreeing that it was bad and something had to be done but they didn't know what to do, or disbelief because it is so bad and they had never heard about it.

I feel as if people are ready to help others that are in need, such as these refugees, but they just do not know. So recently I have been doing research to understand more about what is going on, and lots of praying that God will lead me to do His will in freeing His people. God has placed on my heart that the body of Christ, myself included, need to as One Body do something before we say 'Never again' again, as we did after the Holocaust.

I have been praying for North Korea because I believe prayer has power since it is looking to God and allowing Him to work, rather than our own strength. I also believe in being active in faith by going out and letting God work through us in any way possible.

It has been placed on my heart to travel our country (U.S.A.) and pass out flyers to different churches, as well as show a short film clip if the church allows, to quickly show what is going on. I would want the handout to show a brief overview of what is going on in North Korea, the love that Christ has for everyone, including these victims, and how through faith we can show Christ's love by being God's hands and feet. God has given us all the responsibility to help others who are less fortunate ("Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me" Matthew 25:45).

Obviously each person should do what God leads them to do, but I feel the best way to make an impact in North Korea would be to:

- Pray for North Korea as well as all the other oppressed people around the world;
- Ask what God's will is for you, as an individual to do;
- Send a personalized letter to the local Senator (or another governmental office; Please let me know where you  
   think they should send it to, to create the greatest impact);
- Sign a petition to give to the United Nations to call for Human Rights in North Korea;
- And tell people they know about what is going on and how they can help.

I would ask people to do this and any other ideas you know of to change the current situation in North Korea.

Jeff Gilbert